Quentin Ragueneau

Publications dans HAL

Article dans une revue
Communication dans un congrès

Towards an efficient strategy for the optimal design of aerospace structures with local nonlinearities in vibration dynamics

Quentin Ragueneau, Romain Crambuer, Luc Laurent, Antoine Legay, Nicolas Roy

European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Matérials and Environmental Testing - ECSSMET 2024, European Space Agency, Sep 2024, Noordwijk, Netherlands

Constrained Parametric Global Optimization of a Vibration Problem with Non-Linear Interfaces

Luc Laurent, Quentin Ragueneau, Antoine Legay, Thomas Larroque, Romain Crambuer

16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2024, Vancouver (BC), Canada

Optimisation Bayésienne sous contraintes appliquée à l'étude vibratoire de structures intégrant des non-linéarités localisées

Luc Laurent, Quentin Ragueneau, Antoine Legay, Thomas Larroque, Romain Crambuer

16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France

Global Parametric Optimization for Structures with Nonlinear Joints in Vibration

Quentin Ragueneau, Luc Laurent, Antoine Legay, Thomas Larroque, Romain Crambuer

Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, NODYCON 2023, Jun 2023, Rome, Italy

Strategy for Global Parametric Optimization in Nonlinear Vibration: Application on a Gantry Crane

Quentin Ragueneau, Luc Laurent, Antoine Legay, Thomas Larroque, Romain Crambuer

9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2023, ECCOMAS, Jun 2023, Athens, Greece


Stratégie d'optimisation en dynamique vibratoire non linéaire des structures

Quentin Ragueneau, Luc Laurent, Antoine Legay, Thomas Larroque, Romain Crambuer

Journées Jeunes Chercheuses et Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit, JJCAB 2022, Nov 2022, Lyon, France



Revues à comité de lecture ACL


Q. Ragueneau, L. Laurent, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer, A constrained Bayesian optimization framework for structural vibrations with local nonlinearities, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 67 (4), 47, 2024. doi

Conférences internationales ACTI


Q. Ragueneau, R. Crambuer, L. Laurent, A. Legay, N. Roy. Towards an efficient strategy for the optimal design of aerospace structures with local nonlinearities in vibration dynamics. Proceedings of the European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials And Environmental Testing, ECSSMET 2024, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 23-27, 2024. link


Q. Ragueneau, L. Laurent, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer. Global parametric optimization for structures with nonlinear joints in vibration. Proceedings of the Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, NODYCON 2023, Rome, Italy, June 18-22, 2023. link

Conférences nationales ACTN


L. Laurent, Q. Ragueneau, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer. Optimisation Bayésienne sous contraintes appliquée à l'étude vibratoire de structures intégrant des non-linéarités localisées. Actes du 16ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, CSMA 2024, Giens, Var, France, 13-17 mai 2024. lien


Q. Ragueneau, L. Laurent, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer. Optimisation paramétrique par métamodèle en dynamique vibratoire non linéaire avec résolution fréquentielle. Actes du 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2022, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France, 29 août - 2 septembre 2022.

Communications COM


L. Laurent, Q. Ragueneau, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer. Constrained parametric global optimization of a vibration problem with non-linear interfaces. The 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and the 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM-PANACM 2024, Vancouver, Canada, July 21-26, 2024.


Q. Ragueneau, L. Laurent, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer. Strategy for global parametric optimization in nonlinear vibration: Application on a gantry crane. The 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2023, Athens, Greece, June 12-14, 2023.


Q. Ragueneau, L. Laurent, A. Legay, T. Larroque, R. Crambuer, N. Roy. Stratégie efficace de résolution en dynamique vibratoire non linéaire pour des structures assemblées. The 2022 NAFEMS Regional Conference France, NRC22 France, Senlis, France, November 23-24, 2022.