Naim Ayoub


Revues à comité de lecture ACL


N. Ayoub, J.-F. Deü, W. Larbi, J. Pais, L. Rouleau, Application of the POD method to nonlinear dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete frame structures subjected to earthquakes, Engineering Structures, 270, 114854 (9 pages), 2022. doi

Conférences internationales ACTI


N. Ayoub, J. Pais, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, L. Rouleau. Extension of the POD method to the seismic time history analysis of reinforced concrete structures with material nonlinearities. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2023, Delft, The Netherlands, July 2-5, 2023.


N. Ayoub, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü. Nonlinear seismic analysis of reinforced concrete structures using POD reduced order method. Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2022, Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022. doi


N. Ayoub, W. Larbi, J. Pais, L. Rouleau, J.-F. Deü. An application of the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition method for nonlinear dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structures subjected to earthquakes. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2021, online, Athens, Greece, June 28-30, 2021. doi

Communications COM


N. Ayoub, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, J. Pais, L. Rouleau, S. Benakli. Modeling of material nonlinearity in reinforced concrete beams and shells for seismic analysis. The 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS23, in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, MECHCOMP6, Porto, Portugal, September 1-4, 2020.


N. Ayoub, S. Benakli, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, J. Pais, L. Rouleau. Fiber hinge modeling for non-linear seismic analysis. The 5th EMI (Engineering Mechanics Institute) International Conference, EMI 2019, Lyon, France, July 3-5, 2019.

Thèses de doctorat et HDR


N. Ayoub, Reduced order finite element models for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete structures under seismic excitations. Thèse de doctorat, Paris, France, 15 décembre 2021.