G. Raze, J. Dietrich, B. Lossouarn, G. Kerschen, Shunts vs networks: Tuning and comparison of centralized and decentralized piezoelectric vibration absorbers, Smart Materials and Structures, 31 (11), 115006 (20 pages), 2022. doi
G. Raze, J. Dietrich, B. Lossouarn, G. Kerschen, Shunts vs networks: Tuning and comparison of centralized and decentralized piezoelectric vibration absorbers, Smart Materials and Structures, 31 (11), 115006 (20 pages), 2022. doi
J. A. Rojas-Quintero, F. Dubois, H. C. Ramírez-de-Ávila, Riemannian formulation of Pontryagin's maximum principle for the optimal control of robotic manipulators, Mathematics, 10 (7), 1117 (22 pages), 2022. doi
L. Rouleau, O. De Smet, J.-F. Deü, Vibration prediction of rotating composite fan blades comprising viscoelastic damping treatments, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 536, 117135 (8 pages), 2022. doi
L. Shang, C. Hoareau, A. Zilian, Modeling and simulation of thin-walled piezoelectric energy harvesters immersed in flow using monolithic fluid–structure interaction, Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 206, 103761 (16 pages), 2022. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, A generalized multiplicative regularization for input estimation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 157, 107637 (17 pages), 2021. doi
A. Benjeddou, N. Mechbal, J.-F. Deü, Special issue: 9th ECCOMAS thematic conference on smart structures and materials, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32 (3), 253–254, 2021. doi
T. Colinot, C. Vergez, P. Guillemain, J.-B. Doc, Multistability of saxophone oscillation regimes and its influence on sound production, Acta Acustica, 5, 33 (16 pages), 2021. doi
F. Dubois, Nonlinear fourth order Taylor expansion of lattice Boltzmann schemes, Asymptotic Analysis, 127 (4), 297-337, 2022. doi
A. Givois, J.-F. Deü, O. Thomas, Dynamics of piezoelectric structures with geometric nonlinearities: A non-intrusive reduced order modelling strategy, Computers & Structures, 253, 106575 (23 pages), 2021. doi
T. Guennoc, J.-B. Doc, S. Félix, Improved multimodal formulation of the wave propagation in a 3D waveguide with varying cross-section and curvature, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149 (1), 476-486, 2021. doi
S. Li, M. Brun, I. Djeran-Maigre, S. Kuznetsov, Benchmark for three-dimensional explicit asynchronous absorbing layers for ground wave propagation and wave barriers, Computers and Geotechnics, 131, 103808 (16 pages), 2021. doi
B. Lossouarn, L. Rouleau, R. Darleux, J.-F. Deü, Comparison of passive damping treatments based on constrained viscoelastic layers and multi-resonant piezoelectric networks, Journal of Structural Dynamics, 1, 30-48, 2021. doi
B. Lossouarn, G. Kerschen, J.-F. Deü, An analogue twin for piezoelectric vibration damping of multiple nonlinear resonances, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 511, 116323 (18 pages), 2021. doi
C. Mrad, M. Titirla, W. Larbi, Comparison of strengthening solutions with optimized passive energy dissipation systems in symmetric buildings, Applied Sciences, 11, 10103 (21 pages), 2021. doi
R. Ohayon, C. Soize, Q. Akkaoui, E. Capiez-Lernout, Novel formulation for the effects of sloshing with capillarity on elastic structures in linear dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122 (19), 5313-5330, 2021. doi
L. Pernod, B. Lossouarn, J.-A. Astolfi, J.-F. Deü, Vibration damping of marine lifting surfaces with resonant piezoelectric shunts, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 496, 115921 (20 pages), 2021. doi
H. Pujol, É. Bavu, A. Garcia, BeamLearning: An end-to-end deep learning approach for the angular localization of sound sources using raw multichannel acoustic pressure data, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149 (6), 4248-4263, 2021. doi
L. Shang, C. Hoareau, A. Zilian, A geometrically nonlinear shear deformable beam model for piezoelectric energy harvesters, Acta Mechanica, 232 (12), 4847–4866, 2021. doi
C. Soussi, M. Aucejo, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, Numerical analyses of the sound transmission at low frequencies of a calibrated Insulating Glazing Unit, Applied Acoustics, 179, 108065 (13 pages), 2021. doi
C. Soussi, M. Aucejo, W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, Numerical analyses of the sound transmission at low frequencies of a calibrated domestic wooden window, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235 (14), 2637–2650, 2021. doi
M. Titirla, E. Ferrier, L. Michel, On the mechanical behaviour of innovative moment connections between composite floor panels and glulam columns, International Journal of Architectural Heritage - Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, 15 (2), 321-333, 2021. doi
M. Titirla, W. Larbi, G. Aretoulis, Prediction methods for the actual duration of greek highway projects, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 18, 1389-1396, 2021. doi
M. A. Trindade, B. Lossouarn, J.-F. Deü, Effect of parametric uncertainties on vibration mitigation with periodically distributed and interconnected piezoelectric patches, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32 (9), 971–985, 2021. doi
Q. Akkaoui, E. Capiez-Lernout, C. Soize, R. Ohayon, Uncertainty quantification for dynamics of geometrically nonlinear structures coupled with internal acoustic fluids in presence of sloshing and capillarity, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 94, 102966 (15 pages), 2020. doi
R. Aloui, W. Larbi, M. Chouchane, Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting using macro fiber composites, Smart Materials and Structures, 29 (9), 095014 (17 pages), 2020. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, Multi-parameter multiplicative regularization: An application to force reconstruction problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 469, 115135 (15 pages), 2020. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, A novel algorithm for solving multiplicative mixed-norm regularization problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 144, 106887 (14 pages), 2020. doi
A. Benjeddou, N. Mechbal, J.-F. Deü, Smart structures and materials: Vibration and control (Editorial), Journal of Vibration and Control, 26 (13-14), 1109, 2020. doi
J. Boutet, G. Dimitriadis, X. Amandolese, A modified Leishman–Beddoes model for airfoil sections undergoing dynamic stall at low Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 93, 102852 (30 pages), 2020. doi
T. Colinot, P. Guillemain, C. Vergez, J.-B. Doc, P. Sanchez, Multiple two-step oscillation regimes produced by the alto saxophone, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147 (4), 2406-2413, 2020. doi
R. Darleux, B. Lossouarn, J.-F. Deü, Broadband vibration damping of non-periodic plates by piezoelectric coupling to their electrical analogues, Smart Materials and Structures, 29 (5), 054001 (16 pages), 2020. doi
F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, M. M. Tekitek, On anti bounce back boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann schemes, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79 (3), 555-575, 2020. doi
F. Dubois, B. Graille, S. V. Raghurama Rao, A notion of non-negativity preserving relaxation for a mono-dimensional three velocities scheme with relative velocity, Journal of Computational Science, 47, 101181 (10 pages), 2020. doi
M. Ghienne, L. Laurent, C. Blanzé, Robust characterization of the vibrational behaviour of light assembled structures with random parameters, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 136, 106510 (21 pages), 2020. doi
A. Givois, J.-J. Tan, C. Touzé, O. Thomas, Backbone curves of coupled cubic oscillators in one-to-one internal resonance: Bifurcation scenario, measurements and parameter identification, Meccanica, 55 (3), 481–503, 2020. doi
A. Givois, C. Giraud-Audine, J.-F. Deü, O. Thomas, Experimental analysis of nonlinear resonances in piezoelectric plates with geometric nonlinearities, Nonlinear Dynamics, 102 (3), 1451–1462, 2020. doi
D. Goutaudier, D. Gendre, V. Kehr-Candille, R. Ohayon, Long-range impact localization with a frequency domain triangulation technique: Application to a large aircraft composite panel, Composite Structures, 238, 111973 (9 pages), 2020. doi
D. Goutaudier, D. Gendre, V. Kehr-Candille, R. Ohayon, Impulse identification technique by estimating specific modal ponderations from vibration measurements, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 474, 115263 (20 pages), 2020. doi
D. Goutaudier, D. Gendre, V. Kehr-Candille, R. Ohayon, Single-sensor approach for impact localization and force reconstruction by using discriminating vibration modes, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 138, 106534 (18 pages), 2020. doi
V. Guillot, A. Givois, M. Colin, O. Thomas, A. Ture Savadkoohi, C.-H. Lamarque, Theoretical and experimental investigation of a 1:3 internal resonance in a beam with piezoelectric patches, Journal of Vibration and Control, 26 (13-14), 1119–1132, 2020. doi
W. Larbi, Numerical modeling of sound and vibration reduction using viscoelastic materials and shunted piezoelectric patches, Computers & Structures, 232, 105822 (10 pages), 2020. doi
S. Li, M. Brun, I. Djeran-Maigre, S. Kuznetsov, Three-dimensional hybrid asynchronous perfectly matched layer for wave propagation in heterogeneous semi-infinite media, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 348 (12), 1003-1030, 2020. doi
S. Li, M. Brun, I. Djeran-Maigre, S. Kuznetsov, Explicit/implicit multi-time step co-simulation in unbounded medium with Rayleigh damping and application for wave barrier, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 24 (14), 2400-2421, 2020. doi
H. G. Matthies, R. Ohayon, Parametric models analysed with linear maps, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 7, 41 (22 pages), 2020. doi
P. J. V. Ponte, T. G. Ritto, J.-F. Deü, Dynamic analysis of a pipe conveying a two-phase fluid considering uncertainties in the flow parameters, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42 (12), 626, 2020. doi
I. Ruas Henriques, L. Rouleau, D. A. Castello, L. A. Borges, J.-F. Deü, Viscoelastic behavior of polymeric foams: Experiments and modeling, Mechanics of Materials, 148, 103506 (11 pages), 2020. doi
M. Titirla, A. Chalot, L. Michel, E. Ferrier, 3D Finite element modelling of novel strengthening solutions for RC wall/slab connections, Ingegneria Sismica - International Journal of Earthquake Engineering, No. 3, 2020. link
Z. Toffano, F. Dubois, Adapting logic to physics: The quantum-like eigenlogic program, Entropy, 22 (2), 139 (20 pages), 2020. doi
A. Vizzaccaro, A. Givois, P. Longobardi, Y. Shen, J.-F. Deü, L. Salles, C. Touzé, O. Thomas, Non-intrusive reduced order modelling for the dynamics of geometrically nonlinear flat structures using three-dimensional finite elements, Computational Mechanics, 66 (6), 1293–1319, 2020. doi
T. Colinot, P. Guillemain, J.-B. Doc, C. Vergez, M. Jousserand, Numerical optimization of a bicylindrical resonator impedance: Differences and common features between a saxophone resonator and a bicylindrical resonator, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 105 (6), 1217-1227, 2019. doi