Revues à comité de lecture ACL


C. Blanzé, L. Champaney, P. Vedrine, Contact problems in the design of a superconducting quadrupole prototype, Engineering Computations, 17 (2), 136-153, 2000. doi

F. Dubois, Décomposition de flux et discontinuité de contact stationnaire, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 330 (9), 847-850, 2000. doi

F. Dubois, M. Salaün, S. Salmon, Discrete harmonics for the Stokes problem, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 331 (10), 827-832, 2000. doi

F. Dubois, Finite volumes and mixed Petrov-Galerkin finite elements: The unidimensional problem, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 16 (3), 335-360, 2000. doi

P. Ladevèze, O. Allix, J.-F. Deü, D. Lévêque, A mesomodel for localisation and damage computation in laminates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 183 (1-2), 105-122, 2000. doi

P. Ladevèze, L. Arnaud, P. Rouch, C. Blanzé, La théorie variationnelle des rayons complexes pour le calcul des vibrations moyennes fréquences, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 9 (1-3), 67-88, 2000. doi

F. Pablo, B. Petitjean, Characterization of 0.9PMN-0.1PT patches for active vibration control of plate host structures, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 11 (11), 857-867, 2000. doi

M. A. Trindade, A. Benjeddou, R. Ohayon, Finite element analysis of frequency- and temperature–dependent hybrid active-passive vibration damping, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 9 (1-3), 89-111, 2000. doi

M. A. Trindade, A. Benjeddou, R. Ohayon, Modeling of frequency-dependent viscoelastic materials for active-passive vibration damping, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 122 (2), 169-174, 2000. doi


A. Benjeddou, M. A. Trindade, R. Ohayon, New shear actuated smart structure beam finite element, AIAA Journal, 37 (3), 378-383, 1999. doi

R. Ohayon, C. Soize, Méthodes numériques avancées en vibroacoustique basses et moyennes fréquences, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8 (5-6), 607-637, 1999. doi

M. A. Trindade, A. Benjeddou, R. Ohayon, Parametric analysis of the vibration control of sandwich beams through shear-based piezoelectric actuation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 10 (5), 377-385, 1999. link


M. Rahmoune, A. Benjeddou, R. Ohayon, D. Osmont, New thin piezoelectric plate models, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 9 (12), 1017-1029, 1998. link


O. Allix, J.-F. Deü, Delayed-damage modelling for fracture prediction of laminated composites under dynamic loading, Engineering Transactions, 45 (1), 29–46, 1997. doi

A. Benjeddou, M. A. Trindade, R. Ohayon, A unified beam finite element model for extension and shear piezoelectric actuation mechanisms, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 8 (12), 1012-1025, 1997. link

R. Ohayon, R. Sampaio, C. Soize, Dynamic substructuring of damped structures using singular value decomposition, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 64 (2), 292-298, 1997. doi


R. Ohayon, H. Morand, Mechanical and numerical modelling of fluid-structure vibration instabilities of liquid propelled launch vehicle, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 5 (9), 1705-1724, 1995. doi


M. Mahe, J. C. Sourisseau, R. Ohayon, Explicit thickness integration for three-dimensional shell elements applied to non-linear analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36 (7), 1085-1114, 1993. doi


L. Coquart, C. Depeursinge, A. Curnier, R. Ohayon, A fluid-structure interaction problem in biomechanics: Prestressed vibrations of the eye by the finite element method, Journal of Biomechanics, 25 (10), 1105-1118, 1992. doi


P. Ladevèze, M. Reynier, H. Berger, R. Ohayon, F. Quétin, L. Barthe, Updating methods of dynamic structural finite element models: Dynamic reaction forces approach and error in constitutive equation approach, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 1991-5, 9-19, 1991. link


H. Berger, L. Barthe, R. Ohayon, Parametric updating of a finite element model from experimental modal characteristics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 4 (3), 233-242, 1990. doi

C. A. Felippa, R. Ohayon, Mixed variational formulation of finite element analysis of acoustoelastic/slosh fluid-structure interaction, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 4 (1), 35-57, 1990. doi

R. Ohayon, C. A. Felippa, The effect of wall motions on the governing equations of contained fluids, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 57 (3), 783-785, 1990. doi

N. Piet-Lahanier, R. Ohayon, Finite element analysis of a slender fluid—structure system, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 4 (6), 631-645, 1990. doi


R. Ohayon, Variational analysis of a slender fluid–structure system: The elasto-acoustic beam - A new symmetric formulation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 22 (3), 637-647, 1986. doi


R. Valid, R. Ohayon, Static and dynamic analysis of cyclically symmetric structures, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 1985-4, 41-53, 1985.


H. Berger, J.-P. Chaquin, L. Barthe, R. Ohayon, Recalage d'un modèle éléments finis en utilisant des données expérimentales. Concept de localisation, Revue Française de Mécanique, 4, 187-193, 1984.

R. Valid, R. Ohayon, Coupled primal-dual variational principles in linear elastodynamics: Case of thin shells, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des sciences Série 2 - Mécanique-physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre, 298, 383-386, 1984. link


R. Ohayon, R. Valid, Symmetric primal-dual coupled variational principles in linear elastodynamic, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des sciences Série 2 - Mécanique-physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'univers, Sciences de la Terre, 297, 783-786, 1983. link

R. Ohayon, E. Sanchez-Palencia, On the vibration problem for an elastic body surrounded by a slightly compressible fluid, RAIRO - Analyse numérique, 17 (3), 311-326, 1983. link


L. Barthe, H. Berger, J.-P. Chaquin, R. Ohayon, Identification of mechanical characteristics of a structure in composite material, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 1981-5, 35-41, 1981.


H. Morand, R. Ohayon, Substructure variational analysis of the vibrations of coupled fluid–structure systems. Finite element results, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 14 (5), 741–755, 1979. doi

R. Ohayon, Homogénéisation par développements asymptotiques mixtes. Vibrations harmoniques d'un anneau hétérogène à structure périodique, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des sciences Série A - Sciences mathématiques, 288, 173-176, 1979. link

R. Ohayon, Homogénéisation par développements asymptotiques mixtes. Calcul des vibrations de milieux élastiques à structure périodique, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 1979-2, 109-118, 1979. link

R. Ohayon, Symmetric variational formulation of harmonic vibrations problems by coupling primal and dual principles. Application to fluid-structure coupled systems, La Recherche Aérospatiale, 1979-3, 207-211, 1979.


H. Morand, R. Ohayon, Contribution à l'étude de la dynamique des navires transportant des liquides : calcul par éléments finis des masses ajoutées intérieures, Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique, 1783, 17 pages, 1977. link


H. Berger, J. Boujot, R. Ohayon, On a spectral problem in vibration mechanics: Computation of elastic tanks partially filled with liquids, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 51 (2), 272–298, 1975. doi


H. Berger, R. Ohayon, Une méthode de calcul par éléments finis des mouvements de liquides dans des réservoirs rigides ou déformables, Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique, 1709, 13 pages, 1974. link