Revues à comité de lecture ACL


F. Dubois, Equivalent partial differential equations of a lattice Boltzmann scheme, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 55 (7), 1441-1449, 2008. doi

F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, On lattice Boltzmann scheme, finite volumes and boundary conditions, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8 (1-2-3-4), 11-24, 2008. doi

A. C. Galucio, J.-F. Deü, F. Dubois, The Gα scheme for approximation of fractional derivatives: Application to the dynamics of dissipative systems, Journal of Vibration and Control, 14 (9-10), 1597-1605, 2008. doi

W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, Absorbing interfaces in structural-acoustic coupled problems, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17 (5-7), 677-688, 2008. doi

A. Legay, A. Zilian, Enriched space-time finite elements for fluid-structure interaction, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17 (5-7), 725-736, 2008. doi

A. Placzek, D.-M. Tran, R. Ohayon, Hybrid proper orthogonal decomposition formulation for linear structural dynamics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 318 (4-5), 943-964, 2008. doi

C. Soize, E. Capiez-Lernout, R. Ohayon, Robust updating of uncertain computational models using experimental modal analysis, AIAA Journal, 46 (11), 2955-2965, 2008. doi

M. M. Tekitek, M. Bouzidi, F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, On numerical reflected waves in lattice Boltzmann schemes, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8 (1-2-3-4), 49-55, 2008. doi

O. Thomas, S. Bilbao, Geometrically non-linear flexural vibrations of plates: In-plane boundary conditions and some symmetry properties, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 315 (3), 569-590, 2008. doi

C. Touzé, M. Amabili, O. Thomas, Reduced-order models for large-amplitude vibrations of shells including in-plane inertia, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197 (21-24), 2030-2045, 2008. doi

C. Touzé, C. Camier, G. Favraud, O. Thomas, Effect of imperfections and damping on the type of nonlinearity of circular plates and shallow spherical shells, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID 678307, 19 pages, 2008. doi

A. Zilian, A. Legay, The enriched space-time finite element method (EST) for simultaneous solution of fluid-structure interaction, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 75 (3), 305-334, 2008. doi


É. Bavu, C. Besnainou, V. Gibiat, J. de Rosny, M. Fink, Subwavelength sound focusing using a time-reversal acoustic sink, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93 (5), 706-715, 2007. link

L. Blanc, C. Blanzé, P. Rouch, A multiscale “Trefftz” computational method for medium-frequency vibrations of assemblies of heterogeneous plates with uncertainties, Computers & Structures, 85 (10), 595-605, 2007. doi

S. Carra, M. Amabili, R. Ohayon, Broadband active vibration control of a rectangular flexible wall of an empty and a water-filled tank, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18 (7), 637-651, 2007. doi

F. Dubois, Une introduction au schéma de Boltzmann sur réseau, ESAIM: Proceedings, 18, 181-215, 2007. doi

A. C. Galucio, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, Hybrid active-passive damping treatment of sandwich beams in non-linear dynamics, Journal of Vibration and Control, 13 (7), 851-881, 2007. doi

M. Jami, A. Mezrhab, M. Bouzidi, P. Lallemand, Lattice Boltzmann method applied to the laminar natural convection in an enclosure with a heat-generating cylinder conducting body, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 46 (1), 38-47, 2007. doi

C. Langrenne, M. Melon, A. Garcia, Boundary element method for the acoustic characterization of a machine in bounded noisy environment, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121 (5), 2750-2757, 2007. doi

W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, Vibration of axisymmetric composite piezoelectric shells coupled with internal fluid, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71 (12), 1412 -1435, 2007. doi

A. Legay, A. Tralli, An enriched finite element approach for prescribed motions of thin immersed structures in a fluid, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 16 (2), 145-160, 2007. doi

M. Melon, C. Langrenne, D. Rousseau, P. Herzog, Comparison of four subwoofer measurement techniques, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 55 (12), 1077-1091, 2007. link

A. Mezrhab, M. Jami, M. Bouzidi, P. Lallemand, Analysis of radiation–natural convection in a divided enclosure using the lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids, 36 (2), 423-434, 2007. doi

O. Thomas, C. Touzé, É. Luminais, Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: Experiments on a 1:1:2 internal resonance, Nonlinear Dynamics, 49 (1-2), 259-284, 2007. doi


O. Andrianarison, R. Ohayon, Compressibility and gravity effects in internal fluid–structure vibrations: Basic equations and appropriate variational formulations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (17-18), 1958-1972, 2006. doi

O. Andrianarison, R. Ohayon, Reduced models for modal analysis of fluid-structure systems taking into account compressibility and gravity effects, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (41-43), 5656-5672, 2006. doi

H. Bouali, A. Mezrhab, H. Amaoui, M. Bouzidi, Radiation-natural convection heat transfer in an inclined rectangular enclosure, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 45 (6), 553-566, 2006. doi

A. C. Galucio, J.-F. Deü, S. Mengué, F. Dubois, An adaptation of the Gear scheme for fractional derivatives, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (44-47), 6073-6085, 2006. doi

M. Jami, A. Mezrhab, M. Bouzidi, P. Lallemand, Lattice-Boltzmann computation of natural convection in a partitioned enclosure with inclined partitions attached to its hot wall, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 368 (2), 481-494, 2006. doi

W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, Formulation éléments finis de problèmes élastoacoustiques avec interface dissipative, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 15 (1-2-3), 245-256, 2006. doi

W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, A new finite element formulation for internal acoustic problems with dissipative walls, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 68 (3), 381-399, 2006. doi

A. Legay, J. Chessa, T. Belytschko, An Eulerian-Lagrangian method for fluid-structure interaction based on level sets, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (17-18), 2070-2087, 2006. doi

A. Mezrhab, H. Bouali, H. Amaoui, M. Bouzidi, Computation of combined natural convection and radiation heat transfer in a cavity having a square body at its center, Applied Energy, 83 (9), 1004-1023, 2006. doi

A. Mezrhab, M. Bouzidi, Computation of thermal comfort inside a passenger car compartment, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26 (14-15), 1697-1704, 2006. doi

A. Mezrhab, M. Jami, C. Abid, M. Bouzidi, P. Lallemand, Lattice-Boltzmann modelling of natural convection in an inclined square enclosure with partitions attached to its cold wall, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 27(3), 456-465, 2006. doi

M. M. Tekitek, M. Bouzidi, F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, Adjoint lattice Boltzmann equation for parameter identification, Computers & Fluids, 35 (8-9), 805-813, 2006. doi

C. Touzé, O. Thomas, Non-linear behaviour of free-edge shallow spherical shells: Effect of the geometry, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 41 (5), 678-692, 2006. doi


X. Amandolese, C. Cremona, Analysing fluid loadings on moving bluff bodies using proper orthogonal decomposition, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 20 (4), 577-587, 2005. doi

É. Bavu, J. Smith, J. Wolfe, Torsional waves in a bowed string, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 91 (2), 241-246, 2005. link

C. Blanzé, P. Rouch, Analysis of structures with stochastic interfaces in the medium-frequency range, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 13 (4), 711-729, 2005. doi

A. Chaigne, C. Touzé, O. Thomas, Nonlinear vibrations and chaos in gongs and cymbals, Acoustical Science and Technology, 26 (5), 403-409, 2005. doi

L. Champaney, C. Blanzé, P.-A. Boucard, Advanced tools for design and sensitivity analysis of assemblies of structures, Mécanique & Industries, 6 (1), 89-99, 2005. doi

C. Cremona, X. Amandolese, Numerical analysis of flow loading on bluff bodies, Structural Engineering International, 15 (4), 252-257, 2005. doi

J.-F. Deü, A. Benjeddou, Free-vibration analysis of laminated plates with embedded shear-mode piezoceramic layers, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42 (7), 2059-2088, 2005. doi

A. C. Galucio, J.-F. Deü, R. Ohayon, A fractional derivative viscoelastic model for hybrid active–passive damping treatments in time domain – Application to sandwich beams, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 16 (1), 33-45, 2005. doi

P. Jean, R. Ohayon, D. Le Bihan, Payload/launcher vibration isolation: MR dampers modeling with fluid compressibility and inertia effects through continuity and momentum equations, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 19 (7-9), 1534-1541, 2005. doi

A. Legay, H. W. Wang, T. Belytschko, Strong and weak arbitrary discontinuities in spectral finite elements, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 64 (8), 991-1008, 2005. doi

A. Mezrhab, M. Bouzidi, Computation of view factors for surfaces of complex shape including screening effects and using a boundary element approximation, Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer-aided Engineering & Software, 22 (2), 132-148, 2005. doi

J.-S. Schotté, R. Ohayon, Incompressible hydroelastic vibrations: Finite element modelling of the elastogravity operator, Computers & Structures, 83 (2-3), 209-219, 2005. doi

O. Thomas, C. Touzé, A. Chaigne, Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: Modal interaction rules and 1:1:2 internal resonance, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42 (11-12), 3339-3373, 2005. doi