Q. Akkaoui, E. Capiez-Lernout, C. Soize, R. Ohayon, Revisiting the experiment of a free-surface resonance of a liquid in a vibration tank using a nonlinear fluid–structure computational model, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 85, 149-164, 2019. doi
Q. Akkaoui, E. Capiez-Lernout, C. Soize, R. Ohayon, Revisiting the experiment of a free-surface resonance of a liquid in a vibration tank using a nonlinear fluid–structure computational model, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 85, 149-164, 2019. doi
R. Aloui, W. Larbi, M. Chouchane, Global sensitivity analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesters, Composite Structures, 228, 111317 (9 pages), 2019. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, J.-F. Deü, Practical issues on the applicability of Kalman filtering for reconstructing mechanical sources in structural dynamics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 442, 45-70, 2019. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, On a general Iteratively Reweighted algorithm for solving force reconstruction problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 458, 376-388, 2019. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, J.-F. Deü, On a space-time regularization for force reconstruction problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 118, 549-567, 2019. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, An optimal Bayesian regularization for force reconstruction problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 126, 98-115, 2019. doi
É. Bavu, A. Ramamonjy, H. Pujol, A. Garcia, TimeScaleNet: A multiresolution approach for raw audio recognition using learnable biquadratic IIR filters and residual networks of depthwise-separable one-dimensional atrous convolutions, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 13 (2), 220–235, 2019. doi
T. Colinot, L. Guillot, C. Vergez, P. Guillemain, J.-B. Doc, B. Cochelin, Influence of the "Ghost Reed" simplification on the bifurcation diagram of a saxophone model, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 105 (6), 1291-1294, 2019. doi
F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, M. M. Tekitek, Generalized bounce back boundary condition for the nine velocities two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann scheme, Computers & Fluids, 193, 103534 (12 pages), 2019. doi
F. Dubois, I. Greff, C. Pierre, Raviart–Thomas finite elements of Petrov–Galerkin type, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN), 53 (5), 1553–1576, 2019. doi
A. Givois, A. Grolet, O. Thomas, J.-F. Deü, On the frequency response computation of geometrically nonlinear flat structures using reduced-order finite element models, Nonlinear Dynamics, 97 (2), 1747–1781, 2019. doi
C. Hoareau, J.-F. Deü, Nonlinear equilibrium of partially liquid-filled tanks: A finite element/level-set method to handle hydrostatic follower forces, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 113, 112-127, 2019. doi
A. Khrennikov, Z. Toffano, F. Dubois, Concept of information laser: From quantum theory to behavioural dynamics, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 227 (15-16), 2133-2153, 2019. doi
W. Larbi, J.-F. Deü, Reduced order finite element formulations for vibration reduction using piezoelectric shunt damping, Applied Acoustics, 147, 111-120, 2019. doi
L. Laurent, R. Le Riche, B. Soulier, P.-A. Boucard, An overview of gradient-enhanced metamodels with applications, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 26 (1), 61-106, 2019. doi
S. Li, M. Brun, I. Djeran-Maigre, S. Kuznetsov, Hybrid asynchronous absorbing layers based on Kosloff damping for seismic wave propagation in unbounded domains, Computers and Geotechnics, 109, 69-81, 2019. doi
R. Lima, R. Sampaio, P. Hagedorn, J.-F. Deü, Comments on the paper "On nonlinear dynamics behavior of an electro-mechanical pendulum excited by a nonideal motor and a chaos control taking into account parametric errors" published in this journal, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41 (12), 552, 2019. doi
H. G. Matthies, R. Ohayon, Analysis of parametric models, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 45 (5-6), 2555-2586, 2019. doi
M. Titirla, L. Michel, E. Ferrier, Mechanical behaviour of glued-in rods (carbon and glass fibre-reinforced polymers) for timber structures — An analytical and experimental study, Composite Structures, 208, 70-77, 2019. doi
M. Titirla, G. Aretoulis, Neural network models for actual duration of Greek highway projects, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 17 (6), 1323-1339, 2019. doi
Y. Yu, Y. Liu, X. Amandolese, A review on fluid-induced flag vibrations, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 71 (1), 010801 (17 pages), 2019. doi
T. Achard, C. Blondeau, R. Ohayon, High-fidelity aerostructural gradient computation techniques with application to a realistic wing sizing, AIAA Journal, 56 (11), 4487-4499, 2018. doi
Q. Akkaoui, E. Capiez-Lernout, C. Soize, R. Ohayon, Solving generalized eigenvalue problems for large scale fluid-structure computational models with mid-power computers, Computers & Structures, 205, 45-54, 2018. doi
T. Andrianne, R. P. Aryoputro, P. Laurent, G. Colson, X. Amandolese, P. Hémon, Energy harvesting from different aeroelastic instabilities of a square cylinder, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 172, 164-169, 2018. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, An iterated multiplicative regularization for force reconstruction problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 437, 16-28, 2018. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, A space-frequency multiplicative regularization for force reconstruction problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 104, 1-18, 2018. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, On a full Bayesian inference for force reconstruction problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 104, 36–59, 2018. doi
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, Further investigation on "A multiplicative regularization for force reconstruction", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 104, 487-493, 2018. doi
B. M. Boghosian, F. Dubois, B. Graille, P. Lallemand, M. M. Tekitek, Curious convergence properties of lattice Boltzmann schemes for diffusion with acoustic scaling, Communications in Computational Physics, 23 (4), 1263-1278, 2018. doi
B. M. Boghosian, F. Dubois, B. Graille, P. Lallemand, M. M. Tekitek, Unexpected convergence of lattice Boltzmann schemes, Computers & Fluids, 172, 301-311, 2018. doi
P. Bonfiglio, F. Pompoli, K. V. Horoshenkov, M. I. B.Seth A. Rahim, L. Jaouen, J. Rodenas, F.-X. Bécot, E. Gourdon, D. Jaeger, V. Kursch, M. Tarello, N. B. Roozen, C. Glorieux, F. Ferrian, P. Leroy, F. B. Vangosa, N. Dauchez, F. Foucart, L. Lei, K. Carillo, O. Doutres, F. Sgard, R. Panneton, K. Verdiere, C. Bertolini, R. Bär, J.-P. Groby, A. Geslain, N. Poulain, L. Rouleau, A. Guinault, H. Ahmadi, C. Forge, How reproducible are methods to measure the dynamic viscoelastic properties of poroelastic media?, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 428, 26-43, 2018. doi
R. Darleux, B. Lossouarn, J.-F. Deü, Passive self-tuning inductor for piezoelectric shunt damping considering temperature variations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 432, 105-118, 2018. doi
S. Félix, J.-B. Doc, M. A. Boucher, Modeling of the multimodal radiation from an open-ended waveguide, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143 (6), 3520-3528, 2018. doi
M. Kamrath, P. Jean, J. Maillard, J. Picaut, C. Langrenne, Extending standard urban outdoor noise propagation models to complex geometries, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143 (4), 2066-2075, 2018. doi
P. Lecomte, P.-A. Gauthier, C. Langrenne, A. Berry, A. Garcia, Cancellation of room reflections over an extended area using Ambisonics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143 (2), 811-828, 2018. doi
B. Lossouarn, M. Aucejo, J.-F. Deü, Electromechanical wave finite element method for interconnected piezoelectric waveguides, Computers & Structures, 199, 46-56, 2018. doi
B. Lossouarn, M. Aucejo, J.-F. Deü, K. A. Cunefare, Design of a passive electrical analogue for piezoelectric damping of a plate, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (7), 1301-1314, 2018. doi
B. Lossouarn, J.-F. Deü, G. Kerschen, A fully passive nonlinear piezoelectric vibration absorber, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376 (2127), 20170142 (16 pages), 2018. doi
W. Manhães, R. Sampaio, R. Lima, P. Hagedorn, J.-F. Deü, Lagrangians for electromechanical systems, Mecánica Computacional, 36 (42), 1911-1934, 2018. link
B. Morin, A. Legay, J.-F. Deü, Reduced order models for dynamic behavior of elastomer damping devices, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 143, 66-75, 2018. doi
L. Rouleau, A. Legay, J.-F. Deü, Interface finite elements for the modelling of constrained viscoelastic layers, Composite Structures, 204, 847-854, 2018. doi
L. Tadrist, M. Saudreau, P. Hémon, X. Amandolese, A. Marquier, T. Leclercq, E. de Langre, Foliage motion under wind, from leaf flutter to branch buffeting, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15 (142), 20180010 (9 pages), 2018. doi
M. Titirla, P. K. Papadopoulos, I. N. Doudoumis, Finite element modelling of an innovative passive energy dissipation device for seismic hazard mitigation, Engineering Structures, 168, 218-228, 2018. doi
Y. Yu, X. Amandolese, C. Fan, Y. Liu, Experimental study and modelling of unsteady aerodynamic forces and moment on flat plate in high amplitude pitch ramp motion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 846, 82-120, 2018. doi
M. Yuan, Z. Cao, J. Luo, R. Ohayon, Acoustic metastructure for effective low-frequency acoustic energy harvesting, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37 (4), 1015-1029, 2018. doi
G. Zuccaro, D. De Gregorio, M. Titirla, M. Modano, L. Rosati, On the simulation of the seismic energy transmission mechanisms, Ingegneria Sismica - International Journal of Earthquake Engineering, No. 1, 109-130, 2018. link
M. Aucejo, O. De Smet, A multiplicative regularization for force reconstruction, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85, 730–745, 2017. doi
F. Dubois, P. Lallemand, C. Obrecht, M. M. Tekitek, Lattice Boltzmann model approximated with finite difference expressions, Computers & Fluids, 155, 3-8, 2017. doi
E. A. Flores Parra, A. Bergamini, B. Lossouarn, B. Van Damme, M. Cenedese, P. Ermanni, Bandgap control with local and interconnected LC piezoelectric shunts, Applied Physics Letters, 111 (11), 111902 (5 pages), 2017. doi
P.-A. Gauthier, P. Lecomte, A. Berry, Source sparsity control of sound field reproduction using the elastic-net and the lasso minimizers, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141 (4), 2315–2326, 2017. doi